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"It's Better to Look Stupid than BE Stupid" 

Dr. Debi Thomas has always been someone who was not afraid to venture out into unchartered waters and do what others felt was impossible. Dr. Thomas is in the final stages of writing "It's Better to Look Stupid than BE Stupid" telling the story of the inspiration for her life's purpose in this enlightening book about overcoming obstacles, achieving wellnes, and questioning authority. Dr. Thomas gives personal stories of her past life and interactions with 'the powers that be" as well as personal struggles she has worked to overcome in her present life.


She explains how she and the love of her life, Jamie Looney, have used REAL knowledge from highly credible sources on social issues, science, politics, and health/medicine to not only overcome personal obstacles, but also to start a movement rooting in their community to tackle some of the worlds most difficult problems plaquing society today such as: wealth inequality, socioeconomic distress, financial insecurity, prescription drug misuse, and domestic violence. This book is meant to open the readers' eyes to what has been hidden from the general public, and hopefully encourage others to realize the individual power they posses to change the world for the better.


"My brother once told me that it is better to look stupid than BE stupid, referring to a time when another student had thought my brother must be stupid since he asked so many questions during class... The problem is that when you start questioning authority you set yourself up for being a loner and a lot of scrutiny. However, only visionaries and non-conformists can truly change the world."


"... the key to solving most if not all of the problems of humanity starts with questioning authority. Why? Well, because if authority was doing such a great job, then we wouldn't have so many problems right? It's common sense."


"American presidents have been warning of a shadow government since Andrew Jackson was president... I think what is still a problem is people's belief that they can stop these people through a democratic process of electing different constituents. As "Pay 2 Play" or other documentaries like it demonstrate, billionaires can buy whatever candidates that they want and what's worse they can buy the propaganda to make us believe we picked them."


"Public opinion seems to have a lot to do with determining what is considered success. The thing is that public opinion is something over which most of us have little control, because there is a lot of control over the information we are given. Wellness is more internal. It is a measure of how we feel about our overall self, but it too can be influenced by public opinion if we do not have common sense priorities of what our purpose is in life."


"We are living at a time where public opinion has very strong influences due to social media and mainstream media spin. We are told how we should look, what we need to buy to be popular, and what we believe in. The problem is that as I have mentioned before, public opinion has more to do with marketing than it does with market research... It can become very frustrating when you've become enlightened on a subject and try to share this information with others who are stuck with the public opinion belief. Most whistleblowers take it hard, but it is our duty to humanity to share any new knowledge which could help society."


"Financial security is something that is elusive for far too many people. According to an ABC News report, 60% of Americans do not have enough savings to cover a 3-month emergency fund... In the most recent report by Oxfam, and organization dedicated to solving the wealth inequality problem, the wealthiest 62 billionaires now have acquired more wealth than the poorest 50% of the world's population. This is unacceptable, and our democratic governments with their systems of debt-based fiat currencies are doing nothing to stop the continued trend."


"When I was five years old I had a strong desire to become a doctor. In those days the toy doctor's kits were blue, and the nurse's kits were pink, strongly suggesting male/female stereotypes... I will save the detailed story of how challenging the system affected my career for my autobiography, but one thing I learned early on in my career is that it is not always in the best interest for a physician or any ethical person in the medical field to stand up for the interests and safety of patients. This should make anyone cringe who is in need of medical services. "


"Jamie and I started SCCEEN (Save Coal Country's Economy & Environment Network) almost two years ago, because we saw what was happening to our local economy as the coal mining industry continued to decline. Not being from this area, I had a much different perspective on this problem. As a doctor, I saw all of the negative health implications of coal mining and coal-fired power plants such as: degenerative hip and knee disease, degenerative disc disease of the spine, black lung disease, cognitive dysfunction in children compared to non-coal mining regions of the country, and prescription narcotic misuse and abuse. Since most miners grew up with the belief that there were no better options to make a living then mining, they were completely ill prepared when the industry began to decline... I wanted to show the world what I knew was happening not only in our area, but in other regions of the country which were transforming from an industrialized society to a global technology society. "

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